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All the Forex terms you need in one place. Learn the basics of the Forex market. . The global daily forex market – which transacts nearly $2 trillion a day [...] .

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The North American Securities Administrators Association says that "off- exchange forex trading by retail investors is at best extremely risky, and at worst, outright .


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    Foreign exchange market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a form of . as of April 2010, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is .

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    FXCM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Forex Capital Markets, better known as FXCM, is a retail on-line foreign exchange broker based in New York. It provides its services through its own online .

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    fX had two taglines: "TV Made Fresh Daily" and "The World's First Living Television Network". The "f" was lower-case to portray a type of relaxed friendliness.

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