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Best investments at ages 45 to 54 - Apr. 16, 2012
Apr 16, 2012 . Best investments at ages 45 to 54. By Carolyn Bigda @Money April 17, 2012: 10: 05 AM ET. model portfolio midlife. How should you allocate .

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Why You Don't Need TIPS Now
But don't expect a repeat performance in 2012. . Tool: Find the Best City for You . Moreover, you can invest in TIPS through mutual funds and exchange-traded .

The Best Investment Advice is to Ignore Forecasts | ValueWalk
Jun 1, 2012 . In my opinion, the recent selloff in stocks defies commonsense and logic, but in truth and fact it usually does.


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    12 Essential Investing Tips For 2012 | Bankrate.com
    12 essential investing tips for 2012. By Dr. Don Taylor, Ph.D., CFA, CFP • Bankrate.com. Dr. Don Taylor This is my 13th year of writing "top 10" investing tips to .

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    Best 401(k) Mutual Funds for 2012 | InvestorPlace
    Dec 5, 2011 . Here are two picks for each of five distinct investment classes: blue-chip . ETFs > 401k & Investing Tips > Best 401(k) Mutual Funds for 2012 .

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    Investment fund tips for 2012 | Moneywise
    Jan 18, 2012 . Investment fund tips for 2012. Last updated: Jan . The top 10 inflation-beating accounts on the market · The top performing funds over 20 years .

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    Investing Daily – Stock Market Advice & Investment Newsletters
    Get the latest investing advice, stock market reports and investment . by Jim Fink | September 19, 2012 . Best and Worst Stocks for QE Infinity and Stagflation .

    Top tips for financial planning in 2012 - FT.com
    Dec 20, 2011 . Top tips for financial planning in 2012 . “Savings rates are too poor to make much if any gain from investing the money borrowed and, more .

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    Investing News - Investment Articles - Investing Research
    Jeremy Grantham's investing rules . A hot stock tip can be a bum steer as easily as it can be a big winner, but most . Meet the best investor you've never heard of . 5:00 p.m. Sept. 17, 2012. Apple: iPhone 5 sells out pre-orders at 2 million .

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    Top strategists' moneymaking tips for 2012 – USATODAY.com
    Dec 15, 2011 . USA TODAY sat down with the investing world's pros to map out a strategy for a prosperous new year.

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    The Best Investments For 2012 And Uncertain Times
    An article looking at what the best investments should be in 2012, an uncertain economic time. If you can get in early, there's always profit to be made!

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    The Best Investment Tips You're Probably Missing | Sovereign Investor
    Jun 29, 2012 . People are always on the lookout for investment advice. Many have professional advisors they trust. Some seek out tips from their friends in .

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Shares and stocks tips - Telegraph
Latest shares tips and advice on which are the best shares to buy on the stock market from . Wednesday 19 September 2012 . Telegraph Investment Service .

Investor Bulletin: 12 Saving and Investing Tips for 2012
smarter investor in 2012. Tip #12 Pay off high-interest debt. Paying off high- interest debt may be your best investment strategy. Few investments pay off as well .

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