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Cell Phone Service for Erie, PA 16501 (Erie County) Wireless Phone ...
Erie, Pennsylvania (PA), 16501 - Compare Cell Phone Services and Wireless Coverage (Northeastern . Special: Check out the huge selection of NEW phones !

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erie, PA cell phones - all classifieds - craigslist. . Brand New NEVER USED Galaxy Nexus Verizon - $300 (Franklin) cell phones - by owner · FS: HTC Rezound .

Erie, Pa., is banning cell-phone use at wheel or on bicycle ...
Dec 3, 2009 . Associated PressErie, Pa.., will ban cell-phone use while driving or . texting or e- mailing on hand-held cell phones by anyone driving a vehicle .


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    Cell Phones | 4G Phones | Android Smartphones | T-Mobile
    Discover T-Mobile's best selection of cell phones including Android-powered smartphones. Looking to buy a new cell phone? Find affordable phones and .

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    AT&T Cell Phones, U-verse, Digital TV, DSL Internet, and Phone ...
    AT&T is a leader in telecommunication services, including cell phones, wireless, U-verse, digital TV, high speed internet, DSL, home phone, and bundled .

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    CELL PHONES - Fairview Township - Erie County, Pennsylvania
    All used cell phones are collected and recycled year-round at the front entrance of the . 646 E. 18th St., Erie, PA 16503 1602 Selinger Ave.,Erie, Pa 16505 .

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    814 Area Code | WhitePages
    Free search for (814) phone numbers in Pennsylvania (including cities ). . 1,282 ZIP codes, and 315 cities, including Erie, Johnstown, Altoona, State College, Meadville, . (814) 208-, Venango, Oil City, Nextel Communications, Inc. Cell Phone . 2012 WhitePages Inc. - Advertising Choices, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use .

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    Recycle Rewards - Earn money by recycling inkjets, toner cartridges ...
    . by collecting and sending in empty inkjet, toner cartridges, used cell phones, laptops, . Recycle Rewards - 380 East Bayfront Pkwy - Erie, PA 16507 - Phone: .

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    Back-to-school support through Recycling used cartridges and cell ...
    Sep 6, 2011 . Back-to-school support through Recycling used cartridges and cell phones. ERIE , Pa. (Sept. 6, 2011) – Imagine turning your company's used .

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    About Us | MaxBack
    MaxBack pays cash when you want to sell cell phones, tablets, iPods and video games. . MaxBack remarkets gently used cell phones and electronics. . ERS, located in Erie, PA, has been in business for two decades and is the premier .

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    Erie Cell Phones in Erie PA Yellow Pages by Superpages
    Results 1 - 25 of 51 . Directory of Erie Cell Phones in PA yellow pages. Find Cell Phones in Erie maps with reviews, websites, phone numbers, addresses, and .

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Area Codes - Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
Until 1997, Pennsylvania had four area codes – 814, 412, 717 and 215. With the increased use of cell phones and consumers purchasing additional lines in . 814 region - The area code stretches from Erie to Johnstown to Breezewood, State .

Erie, Pennsylvania Bans Cell Phone Use While Driving
Dec 18, 2009 . Erie, Pennsylvania Bans Cell Phone Use While Driving. December 18 . Otherwise, drivers must be parked to operate cell phones by hand.

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