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Glossary - Centre for Studies in Insurance Operations (CSIO)
Scrolling Alphabetically: allows the User to scroll down and view a central listing of English & French terms in alphabetical order. Glossary Search: allows the .

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French Translation of insurance | Collins English French Dictionary
Browse the French Dictionary (A-Z) . to take out insurance prendre une assurance , souscrire à une assurance ? He hadn't taken . View more related terms .

English to French glossary of translations - Insurance terms
Terms translated by ProZ.com translators via the KudoZ help network « KudoZ open . Translators in Insurance (1561) · English to French translators (0) .


    Down payment

    French Guiana travel advice
    The EHIC is not a substitute for medical and travel insurance, but entitles you to emergency medical treatment on the same terms as French nationals. You will .

    Interest rate

    Long-term care insurance: The French example - ScienceDirect
    With the ageing of population and high cost of long-term care, long-term care insurance has strongly expanded in France in recent decades. This article .

    Property taxes

    Insurance / Assurance - WordReference Forums
    Insurance terminology / Terminologie des assurances http://www.acecredit.fr/ lexique.php French terminology / Terminologie en français .

    Homeowners insurance

    Insurance & Insuring a Vehicle in France - AngloINFO Paris & Ile-de ...
    Aug 28, 2012 . Page includes a glossary of terminology used by insurance agents. . information on taking out and cancelling a French insurance policy, with .

    insurance terms in french insurance

    Insurance specification Travel Insurance - Air France
    The cover provided by your policy is governed by the French Insurance Code. Your policy consists of these General Terms and Conditions, supplemented by .

    HOA dues

    Vocabulary: French insurance - FrenchEntrée.com
    Vocabulary: French insurance. The more common terms used in French insurance. Agents généraux agents who only sell policies for one company. Courtier .

    Loan term

    French to English glossary of translations - Insurance terms
    Terms translated by ProZ.com translators via the KudoZ help network « KudoZ open . Translators in Insurance (1793) · French to English translators (0) .

    Advanced report

    Catalogue of Terminology | Publications
    ICISA Catalogue of Terminology ICISA has published a Catalogue of Credit Insurance Terminology in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

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term insurance translation French | English-French dictionary ...
term insurance translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also ' terms',contradiction in terms',half term',half-term', example of use, definition, .

Glossary of French Legal Terms
Glossary of French legal terms, legal vocabulary used in France and their English . assurance décès, invalidité et en général et incapacité - insurance covering .

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