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The health care debate is testing the limits of the press and ...
Aug 9, 2009 . I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would think if he could observe the present debate over health care. On the one hand, I suspect he would .
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Tom Coburn Takes Thomas Jefferson Quote on Religious Freedom ...
Dec 20, 2009 . During today's Senate health care bill debate, Senator Tom Coburn held up a big graphic displaying a quote from Thomas Jefferson: To compel .
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The Daily Fuel: Jefferson Quotes, True and False
Mar 26, 2010 . Let me leave you with a true quote by Thomas Jefferson: "To unequal . Apply that concept, liberally if you will, to the topic of health care.
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Jefferson, rights, and health care | Patient Power Now
Jul 4, 2008 . “Union employees don't pay health insurance premiums” ? . to use a quote by Jefferson to support their claim that health care is (surprise) a right: . In this straightforward way Thomas Jefferson expressed the theme that .
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As a patient at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, you have a right to good pain . Jefferson University Hospitals prepare students for careers in health care, .
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QUESTION: Dubious Jefferson quote by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint ...
Jul 21, 2008 . Perhaps most importantly, we understand, as Thomas Jefferson . to some of the health care proposals made by Democrats today, and using a .
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Thomas Jefferson - Libertarian Quotes
Thomas Jefferson (1801). The evils of . Thomas Jefferson (1781) . If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free.
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Historian: Thomas Jefferson supported `government run health care
Jan 21, 2011 . Historian: Thomas Jefferson supported `government run health care' . AND I am a bit surprised that Greg would quote a slaveholder on his .